محتوى الدورة
المحاضرات التنويرية
هذا القسم يحتوي على 5 محاضرات مجانية مع التمارين بغرض تنوير الاخوة المهتمين بالتسجيل لتجريب بعض نماذج الدورة للتمكن من عرض جميع محتويات الدورة و كافة المحاضرات ينبغي التسجيل في الدبلوم بسداد الرسوم المقررة
Diploma of English Language .1
حول الدرس

using plural nouns

1 / 31

1) What is the plural form of 'man'?

2 / 31

2) What is the plural form of 'tooth'?

3 / 31

3) What is the plural form of 'knife'?

4 / 31

4) What is the plural form of 'leaf'?

5 / 31

5) What is the plural form of 'woman'?

6 / 31

6) What is the plural form of 'ox'?

7 / 31

7) What is the plural form of 'mouse'?

8 / 31

8) What is the plural form of 'goose'?

9 / 31

9) What is the plural form of 'child'?

10 / 31

10) Which of the following is the correct plural form of 'child'?

11 / 31

11) What is the correct plural form of 'tooth'?

12 / 31

12) What is the plural form of country?

13 / 31

13) What is the plural form of lady?

14 / 31

14) What is the plural form of party?

15 / 31

15) What is the plural form of city?

16 / 31

16) What is the plural form of baby?

17 / 31

17) What is the plural form of cherry?

18 / 31

18) What is the plural form of fly?

19 / 31

19) What is the plural form of 'city'?

20 / 31

20) What is the plural form of 'penny'?

21 / 31

21) What is the plural form of 'baby'?

22 / 31

22) What is the plural of 'knife'?

23 / 31

23) What is the plural of 'leaf'?

24 / 31

24) What is the plural of 'tooth'?

25 / 31

25) What is the plural of 'goose'?

26 / 31

26) What is the plural of 'woman'?

27 / 31

27) What is the plural of 'man'?

28 / 31

28) What is the plural of 'mouse'?

29 / 31

29) What is the plural of 'child'?

30 / 31

30) What is the plural of 'dog'?

31 / 31

31) 3. ( Plural forms )

What is the plural of 'cat'?

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